50 Years of Love 
70 Years of Life
We have been boyfriend and girlfriend since six years old, we grew up in the same community in Panama.....she beat me up and took my marbles.

I Knew I loved her then......

Archbishop Roberto Brown
He asked my mother if he could take me to the boy scout party...funny thing is...he couldn't dance...yet we've danced our entire lives together.

I've loved him ever since

Lady Lurlene Brown
Archbishop Roberto Brown 
Lady Lurlene Brown
Saturday, December 3, 2016
The Grand Prospect Hall
263 Prospect Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
celebrate golden anniversary ® 484A-17th St Brooklyn,NY 11215
Please make checks payable to:

RL Brown

Please mail checks to:
484-A-17th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215

For Online Payments Click Here

Tickets $150.00 per person
Couple $250.00
Children under 1o $100.00
Formal Attire
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